
A day in the snow.............

 January 7th, 2011 aka The Twinks 3rd Birthday, this is the corner of Broadway & La Grange, we were on the way to Birthday dinner at Clem's. We have eaten there every year on Charlie & Gray's actual birthday.  This year, we had an adult table, and kids table and they all did so well! Special THANKS to our annual B-day dinner guests, Bonnie, Elena, Sydney, Trish, Jacob, Amy, Claire, Thomas, & Ray.  We had a blast.
 This is right in front of our garage, the snow was so beautiful this morning,
we couldn't wait to go play in.
 I spy my dog, running as fast as he can, do you see him,
check out the cloud of snow behind him!  He was playing with Grayson.
Told ya! 
 Down she goes.
 Trying to stay on her sled....
 My Snow Angel.
 Snow eating machine!
"I was runnin"
 Eating snow again
 See the 2 cows? One of these heifers is the cow that came into our yard!
Indy was playing I spy again. 
 Look at that face, this was after I told her I wasn't going to carry her.  She said, "Mommy, I can't do it anymore."  (with such drama) I had to laugh.
 She's so good at faking people out.
Future snow blowers of America?

Well this year has flown by.  So much has happened too!  The twins are potty trained, started daycare, no longer use pacifiers, learned how to swim to the deep end and back at Aunt Shirley's pool, no longer are in cribs. They can count, ABC's, identify all colors, shapes, can sing so many songs it is scary. We finished the outside of the garage and it has electricity!! Jared bought a new SUV, got a promotion at work, we lost and found our dog, Jared & I turned 32, we had the Twins "half birthday" party in August at Nanni & Poppa's house and it was amazing, we had our 6th anniversary, my oldest niece Alexis is 18 & has a boyfriend, (blows my mind, she is such a fabulous, smart, talented young lady!) and the list goes on.

I have never been one to chalk up my year as good or bad during the New Year Holiday, but that is what I heard a lot of from friends, family, & co-workers, so I started to rehash 2010 in my mind, so if I did count my year as good or bad, 2010 was awesome! My family inspires me to be better as a person, my children are amazing, they surprise me daily with their knowledge & love, my husband still is the only person who can hit that "take a breath" button & bring me back down, and I am so grateful for him, his hard work, dedication & love for us makes me smile just typing about it.. Thank you baby! Now if I could just find the patience that "all mothers get when they have kids" I would be great. And Jared would probably be very smiley too!!

Thank you 2010, we had a blast.  I am thankful for all happenings, good, bad or indifferent, we have lots of fabulous memories, history made, can't wait to do it all again in 2011.

Happy New Year to all~We wish for you all to have health, wealth, and love in your life.  Thank you for being a part of our lives.
~~The Knox Crew~~