
The best of both worlds!

So we went to get the BIG ultrasound to find out what these babies of ours are and both babies were in the tuck position! Not happy. Our Ultrasound lady Lori kept going with her other business of measurements and sizes of the twins. She finally came across a shot of "between the legs on baby A-and we have a GIRL, in the breech position, heart rate was 136. Then she had me use the restroom b/c my bladder was getting in the way, and we got a clear-VERY CLEAR picture of baby B-and we have a BOY! He is in the down position, and heart rate is 143.

Lori said both babies are weighing in at 11 ounces and look wonderfully healthy. They were moving around and what a sight to see. Extraordinarily breathtaking is my only words for today's experience... She tried a 3-D just b/c there is room in the sacs to actually see them, but they looked like little Jack-o-lantern faces. We have a slim to none chance of getting 3-d ultrasound pics b/c there is 2 babies.


Ted, Danielle, Cole and Fur Children said...

We are so happy for you guys!! Can't wait to see you soon! Now post belly pics!!