
Week 34-Momma's gettin' restless!

Well hello all-just a quick update for you. Went to the doc's last Monday, had gained 4.5 lbs in a week, and measured 43 weeks along. Babies heartbeats were great and we thought Grayson flipped back to the head down position.. But we weren't sure (no ultrasound) Went to the doc's office again today 12.17.07 and gained 2 oz. (isn't that crazy-I just knew they would tell me I gained another 5 lbs) I am dilated to a fingertip or 1 cm whichever you prefer-and that little Charlotte is sitting on top of my cervix locked in position ready to see the world. As far as the doctor could feel through my belly Grayson is head down!! Yeah (f0r now anyway) both babies heartbeats were between 128-142 just like always, my blood pressure is still just as consistent-112/64 and all is well in the Knox womb. Doctor said if we could make it 10 more days he would be very happy! That in turn makes us happy. Will find out more next Monday, Christmas Eve and will keep you updated. We hope you all have a safe and joyous Holiday Season. We love you all..


Jenn Fischer said...

Hi Beth :)
Glad all is going well!! Can't wait to hear about the birth.