Today we went for the twins 9 month check up. Doctor was very happy with how much they have grown and alert they are. Charlotte weighed in at 19 lbs. 10.5 oz. and is 28 inches long. She is in the 75% for her height and weight and her head
circumference is 45 3/4 and she is in the 90%. Doctor said she was a very inquisitive and observant little girl. We started off thinking how high
maintenance she was, but now she is super calm and quite until she really needs something i.e. sleep, clean diaper, or bottle.
Now for the little brother (not really). He weighed in at 21lbs 4.5 oz. and was 29 inches long. He was in the 50% for weight & 75% for his height. His head was also in
the 90% like his sisters @ 46 3/4.... He has now taken charge of life (so he thinks) and is super aggressive and an extreme little boy. He was helping the doctor do his physical today. Guiding the lights for his eyes, the ear scope and tongue depressor. She thought he was such a charmer. She couldn't believe how he just stands up and hangs out. She said he was too young to walk!!
Anyway, our little chickadees are doing great, and they are very happy babies.
Just got home from the doc's office and causing havoc already. Charlotte busted her lip two days ago. You can see it a little bit-top left lip, she cried for a whole 10 seconds.
So this was going to one of the kids costumes, so I figured I would try it on both of them to see how they did, but neither of them wanted anything to do with it, it was fun at first for
Grayson, but quickly turned into no laughing matter..
Now Charlotte on the other hand was immediately very upset with her mother for putting this contraption on her!
Grayson was back to thinking that the situation was funny.....
I know some of you may ask yourselves why I am putting this on my blog. But I couldn't not let this one go without being seen.. She will not stand still on the changing table and this is what happens each and
every time. But she wouldn't let me get her diaper on her so I took a cute pic!
Magic Pumpkins?
Oh, what do I do with it Mommy? Look at his eyebrows? Perplexed.
She loves textures, and the pumpkin patch was full of new and colorful ones.
I want this one...
Or maybe just a nap?
Hope all is well with you and yours~
Kisses from the Knox Crew
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