
A cast and a Blueberry Festival..........

Charlotte fell off the top of the slide at Miss Vicki's house.
We accessorized her sling with stickers!
Waiting @ Dr. Postma's office.
Realizing her arm hurt after the nurse took of her splints.
Look Mom, it matches my cup!
And really, we live 3 minutes maybe from the hospital!! But she still has an apple in her hand!
Next day Jared and I decided we would go act like tourists @ Blueberry festival. She didn't want to be face painted, she wanted to be hand painted! Gotta love it. Her brother went first, and he wasn't letting that nice young lady paint anything on his face.
Love her!
Get it Grayson! He is crazy about bounce lands! he just goes!
Hot, red faced, very happy children.  We all had a blast!
Do you see the ring of rainbow around the sun.  I had to work last Saturday morning, and walking out in the parking lot you could see the whole sky, it was gorgeous!

Grayson is 100% potty trained. Charlotte is 99% potty trained, she has only went #2 on the big girl potty 3 times for me.  Her Pooping issues have left her scarred for life.  But she tells us when she is going to go #2 and we slap a pull up or diaper on her.  I love that I spent $30 on a huge box of pull-ups and they have only used 1/4 of them, still have a full box of diapers too from when I left for Georgia.  They wear "underwears" all day and to sleep in, GOOD JOB KIDDOS. 

They will be so embarrassed someday when they read this blog.. "Mom, you talked about Poop!" yes my beautiful darlings, I did, and I am so proud of you both!! I love you more than words or gestures could ever express.  Be the best you can be, always.