
Think Spring & Moving? ( Started on 4.9.09 finished 4.10.09)

So life back at the ranch has been crazy. The Twins are so smart, they are absorbing like little sponges.. The other night Grayson was pointing to the front door and saying do-dog and I asked him, "Grayson, what does a dog say?" I swear, he said bow-wow! I went, but haven't we been teaching your Ruff-Ruff, or Arf-arf? Anyway, the kids love to make animal noises, Tigers, Lions, Monkeys, & dogs. They will have MAJOR tug-o-war fights with a blanket, to the point where Grayson lays on top of the blanket and holds it so Charlotte can't take it from him. Too funny. Charlotte is a little Linus off Charlie Brown, she loves her blankies!

Wednesdays are my day off from the plant, so it is the only day that I get to have "routine" with my children.. After breakfast and a fight with Grape Jelly, we went straight to the bath tub.. They played & splashed to their hearts content.. So I knew it was poopie time so I got them out of the tub and into their room, I was putting lotion on Charlotte, and just putting her diaper on, and I looked at Grayson in his closet, he was standing up going #1 & #2 simultaneously. NOTE TO SELF: Wait for baths till the morning poopie has come and left. I'll be darned if the only thing on the floor to grab and "catch" with was a white chanel blanket!! But you know what, Grayson was kinda proud that he didn't have a diaper on!

On another note, my last day at the plant looks to be 4.30.09, which I am excited to not work 6/12's, but sad to leave. I love that place and wish it was easier to get a job and not be temporary. But I am getting laid off just in time for my thyroid surgery on May 4th, so all seems to be in line for us..

We put another bid on yet another house yesterday (4.8.09). Can I say this? I hate house hunting! The next time, we are building!! (REVISION 4.10.09) Our bid was accepted!!!! So we now will be moving! Closing is May 14th I believe!! All inspections are to be done by Thursday of next week! Cross your fingers that inspections go well, and we keep this ball rolling.. Will keep you all posted on the house situation... Paint and hardware will be our friends, and new flooring as the entire house is lined with a thick emeraldish/tealish green carpet, 3 brm. 2 bth, 2 acres, property line is trees so we could barely see the road when we looked at it, imagine the trees in a few months!! CR 380 by Jericho Corners.. Will post more pics of kiddos tomorrow as I left the disc at home!


The Denny Family said...

I was just saying to Nick yesterday in the car "i wonder what happened with beth and the house situation???" So happy for you guys that you found something and that you're moving in soo soon! can't wait to hear the details of the house! and see photos!
i miss the plant too. but am so happy to be home. wish i could have taken that job with me here.
oh and don't feel so bad.... Lorelei pooped on the floor the other day...and stepped in it. EWWWWWW

The Pirsein Family said...

Congrats Beth on the new house! It's a lot of work but you will love having your "own" house. What's this about thyroid surgery?! Are you having it removed? Good luck!