
I should have been a Storm Chaser....

June 21st, 2011, yet another day that tornado's were all around us.  Mother Nature is getting more and more angry in her old age...  I am unsure of why are weather gets more extreme each year, but I think it is getting a little creepy.  I am very thankful we live off the lake, all the tornado's hit the bluffs and bounce right over lake front communities and hit inland.   This storm produced about 4-5 inches of water an hour, kids were playing in the streets in knee-waist deep waters depending on where you lived. 
I am fascinated with storms, Jared calls me his Storm Chaser.  I remember once when I was pregnant I was on top of my Jeep out at Hawkshead photographing this gigantic rolling cloud that turned into a fierce storm, right there above me..  He was a little upset that I was pregnant and top of a vehicle & that the sky was opening up right above me..
 I think I am going to look into a photography class.
 This was super creepy, we were driving the kids to my parents, and right above that car looked for sure like a funnel was ready to start.
And this was the next morning driving in to work at 6 am, ended up to be a gorgeous day.